Ideas to Journey Better

A growing collection of inspiration, biblical insights, practical tools, and a few good ideas for being fully alive.

Mission, Pastors Rodney Combs Mission, Pastors Rodney Combs

Why I Write

I'm passionate to serve others as a spiritual guide–unleashing them to be the hero of their own stories, be players in Jesus' story, and come alive. I saw the value of a guide on a whitewater rafting trip in West Virginia. His name was Neo.

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Mission Rodney Combs Mission Rodney Combs

Pascal's Wager Rejected: Now What?

After an intense and enjoyable conversation about Jesus with a grad student who claimed to be an atheist, I cited Pascal's seemingly wise words as my closing argument. I asked, “So do you want to choose Jesus because if you do and we find he doesn’t exist, you will have lost nothing?” She replied, “No. That would be crazy.”

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