JOURNEY GUIDE: How to Church Shop
So, you're shopping for a church. It isn’t easy to find the perfect one, but I think I can tell you exactly how to do it with this Journey Guide.
“Church shopping” is a flippant term for a critical process; many people don’t know how to do it.
They shop for churches the way they shop for a classic T-shirt: explore the options, find one that feels good, wear it until they’re tired of it, and then start shopping again. It trivializes the monumental.
When our consumer tendencies bleed into our church selection, we not only denigrate the massive importance Jesus placed on the church, but we remove our ability to find the perfect one.
Shopping isn’t what’s wrong; it’s self-centered consumerism that's the problem.
It's right to investigate; it's wrong to make it all about me.
So, here's the Journey Guide:
To shop well for a church, make our list small and our commitment great.
Search for:
Trusted leaders.
Biblical teaching.
Values, vision, and strategy we believe in.
When we find those, commit to that team and don’t shop anymore.